Online Works(Still Maintaining)
- 查天氣 AnyWeather - Chrome extension(2013/2 ~ present)
- Skills:HTML5, CSS3, SASS, FontAwesome, Coffee Script, Javascipt, Chrome Extension
- NTHU Web Course Final Project Demostration Platform(2013 ~ present)
- It's a official final project demonstration platform for NTHU Web Course.
- Skills:Ruby on Rails
- Basketball game record creator for format ( is a BBS)(2011/5 ~ present)
- Skills:html, css, javascript
- A result screenshot
- AnyWeather (2011/5 ~ present)
- Just click anywhere on map to get current weather info. from google weather.
- Skills: html, javascript, google weather API, google MAP API
NTHU Project
- EyeLine(2011/8 ~ present)
- To find out human eye line.(include eyelash, look below, eye, face detection and so on.)
- My part : Find eyeline method, package our matlab function to dll for C# using, labeled dataset ground truth, face detection, ...
- Skills: MATLAB, C#, C, OpenCV
- Spot Map(2011/11~2012/1, 3 months)
- How to enjoy: choose mode of either Bigram or Longest_Path, click at map anywhere, click one of spots listed at right, click one of markers which started from the place you clicked before, search a place by name on the right-bottom map
- To recommend spot for user to planning one-day trip.
- Data source: flickr
- Functionality : List the nearest spot from user current location, Customize google map marker, use ajax to communicate with server, ...
- Skills : Javascript/JQuery, Google map API, PHP, Python, HTML/CSS, mysql
- 300play Forum (2013/1 ~ 2013/5)
- Skills:PHP, Open Source Project, User Integration
- NTHU Web Course TA Website (2012/3 ~ 2013/4)
- It's a official course website for NTHU CS3431.
- Skills:Ruby on Rails
- GoDutch(2012/2, 1 day)
- Concept: Sometimes people eat meal with their friends, that will split their bill euqally. But we always forgot that everyone needed to give how much change or whoever needed to pay.
- Just test for winphone publish
- Skills: WinPhone
- AVBlog(2011/12~2012/1, 2 months)
- Concept: It's an audio/video-based blog. Users can record their saying and upload to our server to analyze its emotion. But it can't analyze now, because the server is not serving.
- It also implement the plurk-style (or called river-style) showing layout.
- Skills:php, jquery, css, html, mysql
- A GuestBook(2011/11)
- Showing people who is viewing online. A facebook-style wall, you can post, comment and like something on it.
- Just authorize your google account to enjoy it.
- Skills : python, google app engine
- A Lottery GUI game (2011/10)
- Project Introduction
- Source Code
- Skills : C#, Windows Form Development, AppFabric
- BBox(2011/4~2011/5, 2 months)
- It's based on Ruby on Rails Tutorial exercise to do some modifications. A facebook-style platform.
- Just signup a account (test account: [email protected]/123456), post something on Home, view other things on Users and Profile.
- Skills:Ruby on Rails
- Giashami(2011/5~2011/6, 2 months)
- Concept: solve a common situation in our life, we always don't know what to eat in lunch or dinner time, specifically along with others.
- We done a social recommendation algorithm with users' facebook information. Features: we supply you 5 options to view, and you can see what your friends eat, search what you want if you know some keywords, and review your eating list recorded by checking a restaurant you decide to eat, and so on to let you try.
- Data sources: from NCCU location shops
- Skills:php, mysql, html, css, responsive-design
- Film clip(2011/5)
- Memorable video, homework of a course, including whole of my university life.
- Kinect HCI (2011/2~2011/3, 2 months)
- Concept: use your hand to control computer.
- Use palm to move mouse, fist to drag object, and two hands to scale a object.
- Skills: C++, OpenCV, Win32 API, OpenNI, OpenGL, Image Processing
- DEMO video
- iPhone Apps(2010/4~2011/2, 13 months)
- Polashake (Polaroid-like), Chalkcamera (Continuous shooting), ...
- Details : Slide
- Motion Planner(2010/4~2010/6, 3 months)
- Use Potential Field method to find out a path to make Motion Planning.
- Some features
- left click to move object, right click to rotate object
- find path by potential field or CSpace
- potential field and CSpace map showing
- collision checking when moving and rotating object
- animation follwing the path we found
- Skills: Java, eclipse
- 我愛Po-Bar(2006/9~2007/11, 1 year 2 months)
- A bookmark sharing and syncing platform. My job is to develop a desktop software that syncs users' bookmarks to our server and easily manages them.
- Key features on this desktop software
- local bookmarks syncing with server when updating
- IE6 plugin
- Skills: Visual Basic 2005, SQL Server 2005,
- Screenshots
- 友Go機車店(2005/11~2005/12, 2 months)
- Key features
- front & back end
- shopping cart
- news system
- order system
- top
- Skills: Visual Basic 6, Access 2003
- Screenshots
- Still Processing...
Latest Updated @ 2017/02/05