[Note]heroku 指令記錄
# creating app on heroku need to with --stack cedar for rails 3.2 and ruby 1.9.3
heroku create # create a new app on heroku
heroku login
heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # upload the public key to heroku server for uploading permission
heroku run rake db:migrate
git push heroku master # upload your project on git repository to heroku
heroku logs
heroku ps
heroku run rake db:seed # initialize db if requires it
heroku run rake db:setup # combine db:seed and db:migrate
heroku restart # restart app if makes any changes
heroku db:push # push local db to server db
heroku config # to see all environment configuration about your app
heroku config:add TZ=Taiwan/Taipei # change your time zone on heroku app
# add "gem 'pg'" to gemfile
# add "gem 'thin'" to gemfile for more strong web server, not webrick
# uncomment gem 'therubyracer' for more supported runtime
# set "config.assets.compile = true" on # config/environments/production.rb
reference: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails3, http://railsapps.github.com/rails-heroku-tutorial.html